2 Revisiting our working installation at the V&A : Touche de Rouge
It’s always good to reflect on past experiences and achievements. Our working installation “Touche de Rouge” at the Victoria and Albert Museum as part of London Design Festival in 2013 was one such event. The reason for this happy reflection was because it gave us a chance to talk and demonstrate about our design expertise all within the realms of sustainability and in a collaborative context.
These images show us sharing the craft of hand marbling on silk, a technique Emma has developed through rigorous R&D to work successfully in a design context on silk, defying preconceptions of traditional techniques. She has always sought to innovate new methods and always embraces sustainability.
Collaborating with Karen, Emma handed over her discarded pieces of newspaper used to mop up paint residue in the marbling process. Karen then employed her mixed media design approach to ao’s large scale installation integrating the design and working aspects of the space.